Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed . ~ 2 Timothy 2:15

Friday, May 31, 2013

Enjoy the personal touch at St. Davids Christian Writers Conference

Grove City College quad
St. Davids Christian Writers Conference will be held at Grove City College in Grove City, Pa., June 18-22

           You might expect a director of a Christian writing conference to sing its praises and encourage everyone to attend.  So let’s get that out of the way. 
The St. Davids Christian Writers’Conference is where you want to be the third week of June.  The reasons are many:  stellar faculty, informative workshops, networking and fun.
 But why are conferences important in this day of online learning?  Much is made of how you can access online courses on your own time, even in your jammies.  (An overrated selling point.)  I have benefitted from them.  They’re almost as good as face-to-face classroom interaction.
Online learning doesn’t fill our hunger for contact and connection.  I took notes as a voice from the computer speakers reviewed the Powerpoint and answered my typed questions.   Or I posted on a forum for the teacher and fellow students.  I never knew who “Dan” and “Holly” were.  My goal was to gain knowledge.  I did.
At St. Davids, we not only know your name, we remember your face, ask questions about your family, and encourage you to pursue the calling God has on your life.  We might even hold your hand, refill your coffee, or share a laugh. 
At St. Davids you are among like-minded people who understand the joys and frustrations of the art and business of writing.  Some have become my closest friends.   Everyone participates in a strong, family-like unit of sharing that undergirds the rest of our lives.    
Is that what you need?  Check out our website  I’ll see you in June!

Lora Zill
Director, St. Davids Christian Writers Conference  

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